White Privilege and Black Rights (The Injustice of U.S. Police Racial Profiling and Homicide)
by Naomi Zack
© 2015
Chapter 1 - White Privilege, Entitlements, and Rights
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• I think everyone knows it was more popular for Generation X to be blonde, as a saving grace. People don't explore the beauty of cultures with less fair features overall, supposedly.
• I think you see Whites "make it" in this world. It's set up so college is considered better than no college, and it's a lot of torment probably for most non-ethnic-Europeans.
• In college itself, non-Whites have a harder time, like getting degrees of different levels.
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• I know from personal experience, that "when push comes to shove," the people in charge at colleges will come to a point, that college is "not for them" and cause them strife personally. It's true with Generation XY that the world became unstoppably racist. It's bad if you don't admit it, generally. It's not really right. It's something stupid. The only good thing seems to be appreciating your ancestry etc., but overall it's like eating too many cookies before supper.
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• Blacks are the ones who will have random, staggered, and violent reactions.